SoS PODCAST Ep 1: Diversity, OscarsSoWhite & Our Chris Cornell Interview

Our first Secrets of the Sire Podcast available now! Diversity is a hot button topic in Hollywood - most notably the latest online movement #OscarsSoWhite dominating the entertainment headlines. But are the politics behind the scenes actually taking away from the movies themselves? And is it the moviegoers responsibility to care? Click here to listen [...]

2019-02-20T13:27:52-05:00January 26th, 2016|

Two Successful Kickstarters In One Year: Here’s What I Learned

So you want to launch a successful Kickstarter do you? Well, having just completed my second successful campaign in one year, I'm happy to share what I learned. Here are a few of the 'Goods' I picked up during this experience: 1) Kickstarter Is The New Diamond Sorry Diamond, you FINALLY have some real competition [...]

2019-02-20T13:27:52-05:00November 12th, 2015|

It’s The Little Things That Help Inspire Us To Make Comics

So as I'm writing this I'm back from Honeymoon. Married my best friend and all is as it should be :) Now that of course counts as one of those BIG things in life that we look back on with joy and inspiration. A couple LITTLE things happened recently that have helped motivate me ARTISTICALLY: [...]

2019-02-20T13:27:52-05:00September 11th, 2015|

Blogging Is Like Going To The Gym Sometimes…

Seriously folks, you know it's true. It's good for you. It keeps you (or for this metaphor your career) healthy and sustained. It also gets overlooked when you get super busy. That's me right now. And though it's all good stuff: Undone Comic Book, Freelance Writing for amNew York &, Sire still gets [...]

2019-02-20T13:27:52-05:00July 14th, 2015|

Comic Book Blog: Nice To Be Back

Hey everyone, nice to be back on the blog. This one is a relative short one though. Just going to list the upcoming awesomeness I've got in store over the coming weeks: New York Comic Con: I just got back from @ny_comic_con Special Edition. A bit quiet compared to the big one come October [...]

2019-02-20T13:27:52-05:00June 16th, 2015|

Back From The Dead: My Kickstarter Post-Mortem

Whew! How about that guys, it's been a month or so since my Kickstarter for the Undone was fully funded. And it's taken me about that long to recuperate and grind some of the work out. Here are 4 things I've been up to since then: 1) Writing the darn script! I had a basic [...]

2019-02-20T13:27:52-05:00May 27th, 2015|
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