SoS Ep 131: Avengers: Infinity War Blu-Ray Discoveries, Source Point Press

PODCAST | We review the Avengers: Infinity War Blu Ray: Everything we learned the second time around and everything we know about Avengers 4 so far! And who was the badder villain: Thanos or Heath Ledger's Joker? PLUS: We welcome Source Point Press’ Kasey Pierce as she talks about the new her sci-fi book “Norah.” [...]

2020-08-21T16:14:50-04:00August 17th, 2018|

SoS Ep 81: The Great Geek Debate With ‘Adultish’ Star Victoria Cheri Bennett

We settle the biggest Geek debates of all time! Joker vs Joker! Nintendo vs Sega! Game of Thrones vs LOTR! Batman v Superman! Join the great Pop Culture debate with special in-studio guest: Adultish star Victoria Cheri Bennett and director Justin Morck! PLUS: What we think of Josh Brolin's Cable? Force to be reckoned with [...]

2019-02-20T13:27:46-05:00August 11th, 2017|
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